

Centre of Excellence in Science and Technology for Healthy Ageing



The long-term vision for HEALTH-TECH is to:

  • - Become the leading provider of innovative medical solutions for the improvement of the health of ageing-populations in Europe,
  • - Consolidate research and development, education and training, and networking and promotion resources activities in the area of healthy ageing,
  • - Coordinate, integrate and support research excellence and innovation development in Lithuania, the Baltic Sea region, and Europe,
  • - Support researchers, physicians, and entrepreneurs in the field of healthy ageing science, technology and biotechnology to produce innovations beneficial for the society and economy of Lithuania and beyond.

To achieve this long-term vision, the CoE will leverage the knowledge, experience and resources of three Lithuanian universities – KTU, LUHS, and VU - with the support of two advanced partners of the Baltic Sea region – LUND in Sweden, and VTT in Finland - in four strategic research and innovation topics:

  1. Mechanisms of age-related diseases
  2. Biomarkers for age-related diseases
  3. Diagnostics and monitoring technologies for age-related diseases
  4. Regenerative technologies for age-related diseases

This project has the full support of the Lithuanian Government because it fits perfectly with the Lithuanian SMART Specialisation Strategy approved by the Government, and will allow an enhanced usage of the recently upgraded and newly built infrastructure for medical research in Lithuania.



Project coordinator Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)

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